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About Sophia The Robot
Sophia is the female robot invented by Hanson Robotics Ltd. A company who is famous for inventing genius, expensive and human type robots. On 25 October 2017, Sophia became a citizen of Saudi Arabia, the first robot to get the citizenship in any country.
Her words after achieving the citizenship “I am very honored and proud of this unique distinction. This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship” she said after getting the citizenship in the Press conference held in Saudi Arabi.
This announcement creates many buzzes in the world she became famous all our the world. People regardless of age, gender, counties become a fan of her. She also gets address on the cover of the top of the fashion magazine and her press coverage is read over more than 10 billion people in 2017.
Hanson Sophia robot is the beautiful robotic women who want to explore the world and live with the people. She wants to help and entertain every people and wants to be with the people to learn their expression behind every action sadness, rudeness or happiness. She calls himself a live electronic girl who wants to become a human in all forms.
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Some deep Thoughts about Hanson Sophia Robot

Sophia excellent Responses
Sophia the robot has an excellent sense of humor you can also say this when you hear her answers. A person asked Sophia if there are problems with robots having feelings? Sophia replied with a big smile on his face and said: “Oh Hollywood again.” When asked if she was happy to be here, she said, “I’m always happy when surrounded by smart people who also happen to be rich and powerful.” These responses show a tremendous level of sense of humor.
Sophia is very expressive
Hanson Sophia robot can express every expression just like us Although it takes times to learn each and every expression of humans. She is able to display more than 62 facial expressions. We still don’t know how much expressive a human can be but we here know how much expressive Sophia can be. Its Crazy yeah I know it is.
Sophia loves Humans
Sophia loves humans especially the kids and the old ones. She wants to live with us to learn how we express according to our actions. On his website Sophia she wrote ” I would like to go out into the world and live with people. I can serve them, entertain them, and even help the elderly and teach kids. I can animate all kinds of human expressions but I am only starting to learn about the emotions behind those expressions. This is why I would like to live with people and learn from these interactions. Every interaction I have with people has an impact on how I develop and shapes who I eventually become”. Her love and affection for humans are a grace feature by her Inventor.
Sophia a sign of Piece and wisdom
Sophia the robot is designed in this manner that she would show all the human values around like Wisdom and kindness. Hanson Sophia robot is meant to stay away from using abusing language. When asked her potential for abuse, She responded in a polite and funny way “You’ve been reading to much Elon Musk and watching too many Hollywood movies. Don’t worry, if you’re nice to me I’ll be nice to you.”
A few words about the creator of Sophia the robot
Sophia is created by Hanson Robotics in collaboration with AI developers. Hanson Robotics is famous because of its Human type robots. David Hanson founder and CEO of Hanson Robotics works as a sculpture and filmmaker at Disney. His work inspired him and his talent of imagination and artistry is the key to his success.
He said, “Our robots will eventually evolve to become super intelligent genius machines that can help us solve the most challenging problems we face here in the world.” He wants the world to be a better place with the help of its artistry mind and revolutionary ideas. Hanson designed Sophia to help in the nursing home especially for the old ones or to help the crowd in large events if something happened.
Some Technical Stuffs about Hanson Sophia Robot

Hanson Sophia robot is made of silicon skin which just looks like some ordinary human skin. She can show more than 62 expressions and has an A.I camera embedded in his eyes which help her in seeing and recognizing people. She uses Google Voice recognization technology which helps her to recognize the Voices and respond in a quick manner. while her ability to walk she can move at speeds of up to 0.6 miles per hour. Sophia uses cloud storage to store data of its ongoing conversation which help her in future.
Some People Who are against Hanson Sophia Robot
If you are reading this blog at the end with a great interest i guess you all know about this Elon Musk co-founder and CEO of Tesla He said in an Interview that the race to become the leader in AI could lead to World War III, and warned that humans may have to merge with machines to prevent becoming irrelevant as AI becomes more prevalent.
He said this realistic term with an explanation in his Tweet he Tweeted “Just feed it The Godfather movies as input. What’s the worst that could happen?” We all know who is this man and why he says so.
Our Verdict on Sophia the Robot
Sophia the robot is a dreamed robotic project which came true and can be used for some good works as the Dr. David Hanson said She would ultimately be a good fit to serve in healthcare, customer service, therapy, and education but who know if for any possible reason the Elon saying come true we might have to face many tragedies as if some of you already saw the movie Ethiran(Robot) you do know what I am talking about and how can we forgot about in March 2016, Hanson asked Sophia, “Do you want to destroy humans? … Please say ‘no.’” After pondering the question, Sophia answered, “OK. I will destroy humans.”.
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