How to Speed up your mobile Internet?

In 2020 everything is Online whether you want to listen to music, watch movies or even studying. Everyone needs high-speed internet for their basic needs. Spotify, Netflix became widely popular and both need high speeds of internet services to stream them.

It really devastating right when you are using your mobile and it loads slowly every page that you browse. If you are having the same problems as in this post we have shared some of the ways by which you can speed up your mobile Internet speed.

If you follow this post till the end it will surely help you in resolving your low-speed issues. Your internet speed only depends on your ISP but if you have some issues with your mobile you can’t have that. In this post, we are going to explain those points.

If you are using a Free VPN than maybe you don’t know that they automatically slow down your internet speed. Along with that, they are not safer either.

Ways to Boost Your Mobile Speed

boost internet speed
boost internet speed

Prefer LTE Network

Check If you Select the LTE Network on your Smartphone from the Network setting. Sometimes it would be pre-default selected to the 3G internet. This is a necessary step as if the network is 3g then it automatically slows down your internet speed. Even the 2G network is good for battery but it can’t help you in suffering fast internet speed.

Prefer Automatically Select Network

In your mobile network setting, you have preferred setting is Automatically Select Network, However, you can go with Selecting the Networks manually but we recommend you to stick with Automatically select Network. Just stick with this yo get high-speed internet on your Mobile Phone.

Track Your Mobile Usage

Always stack your mobile users to get notify how much of your daily data you have spent. If you get daily 1 GB than make a notification on 700mb so you get notified earlier and you can slow down your usage to access high-speed internet throughout the day. Tracking your monthly data also lets you know how much data you used monthly so you can plan your mobile recharge according to that. You will get this setting in your mobile network.

Remove Background Apps

Have you ever wonder how you get WhatsApp message without opening your app because it is working on the background of your phone. Background apps use your ram and your internet without letting you know. Just looks at the apps in your setting and remove the unnecessary app from working in the background and slowing down your phone speed and your valuable internet.

Use Fast browser

Every phone has its default company browser set on it’s preferred browser. While they all are good but they are all not as fast as Google Chrome browser. We recommend using google chrome as it is one of the most trusted and secure browsers you can have on your mobile. Change your default browser if it is not a chrome browser.  Using a fast browser can help you to uplift your browser speed.

Remove Cache and Browsing History

If you are not removing your browser cache and history from time to time then your fast browser can be very fast for a longer time. Every browser uses cache, History, and cookies for their better functioning and for advertising. These files make your browser slow and result in slow loading of the pages of the website. Remove cache and cookies definitely helps you in getting good suffering.

Use a Cleaner App

Always use a cleaner app to clean your mobile phone day or by week. Some of the brands Xiaomi provides inbuilt mobile app Security from while you can clean your mobile and make some free space. If your mobile doesn’t have any cleaner app then you can use the CC-Cleaner app from your play store. These apps help your mobile to run fast and hence to use fast internet on your mobile phone.

Enable Text Mode in the Browser

You are using a slow internet and you need to speed up your suffering speed by your text-only mode. This option is available in all your browsers and can ON within few clicks. If you only need to get information without seeing the internet then you can use this. Then can be helpful in the low network area or when your wifi speed is low.

Restart or Reset Your Device

If you are not able to access your internet without any reason or even when your internet is full then you should restart your device. This will save all the temporary problems related to the network or the internet. If it still seems to be not working then you can try to dislocate and locate your mobile sim card. Resetting will helps all your temporary problems if it doesn’t than reset your device.

Check your router

If your mobile is connected via a router then you can check your router setting and you can easily optimize your internet speed. Well if you have a high speed internet then you can easily get good speed on your mobile too. Good routers don’t allow any speed dispersion and make your speed flawless. Also check it this post if you want to know about the router login and password.

Post Summary

We have shared all the ways by which you can boost up your mobile internet speed. A speed-up internet also helps in boosting the work efficiency. So these are all the steps tell us what you do when you face slowing down internet issues.  Lets us know if you have any issue in understanding any points or if you want to add some point.

We hope that you liked this post on Boosing Internet speed well if you want to check your internet speed you can do it on fast. It is the best platform for this.

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