There are lots of questions that raises in your mind when someone says Ios Emulators For Windows right. We have collected all the info about Ios Emulators for Windows and then write this post so you got all the information about Ios emulators in one single place.
While if you have an iPhone and you face much trouble while sending data from your iPhone to your windows pc, Well relax we have your solution now read this post deep down without skipping one single line.
With Ios emulator, you can use your Ios apps in the much larger display of your windows pc or either on your mac enjoy games and get the more important feature if you are a developer and want something to test apps. Ios emulator is not much different from Ios Simulators.
If You have some friend who has Android mobile and windows pc then you recommend him the Android emulator from Here. We also have a post on Xbox One Emulators to guide you for playing Xbox games on pc.
So Before discussing the Best Ios emulator for windows let’s first talk about the basic What Ios Emulator really is?
Post Contents
What Is Ios Emulator?
The emulator creates another Os environment so that you can run your favorite app on your windows pc or either on your mac for normal use or for developing purposes.
Emulator: Emulator is the software that helps us to run apps of our mobile in our Pc.
Ios Emulators: The Emulators are the software that helps us to run Ios apps on Mac or in Windows Pc. Ios emulators for windows used to run iPhone apps on windows pc and Ios Emulator for mac are used to run iPhone apps on mac pc.
These apps create a virtual environment on the pc so that they can run the mobile apps with ease undoubtedly.
Advantages Of Using Ios Emulators
There are so many advantages of using Ios Emulators or using any other os emulator. These Ios Emulators are user-friendly and can be installed very easily. Some of people use these emulators to play games on the big screen or some developers use these emulators for testing apps and their performances. But emulators are something more than this they are helpful in many terms. I have tried some of the best quality Ios emulators.
They are Cost Effective
Emulators are good to be used after buying as I personally feel that experience, You get more & more features after buying it. These emulators are very helpful in testing apps so if you are doing this kind of professionals work then I should definitely recommend you to buy it as it becomes more secure & provides more developing friendly features after that.
If you are using it just only for playing games then you should definitely go for the free version as it also provides numerous features as well and it’s all up to whether you want just a less feature free version or some good functionality paid Version.
Play Games On Bigger Screen
Yeah you are right Emulators are mostly used for playing games on a bigger screen, you always want to play your favorite on the big screen and with more functionality, don’t you? So here’s your chance to use any emulator from this list and experience a chance of playing games like your new play before a bigger screen with all the options at ease waiting for you.
Better Function For Developers
Yeah After playing games Ios emulators are hugely used for testing apps by the developers as these emulators provide more functionality for the developers for performing their work. While there are some limitations on the free emulator but if you are doing such a serious job you should buy the ios emulator for the grace.
Best Ios Emulators For Windows Pc
So here are your options for using the Ios emulator for all your required activity, they all are very user-friendly and provides tons of function some of them are free & some of them are paid. You don’t have to worry about not having an ios device just install these ios emulators and experience the iPhone device in your windows laptops. So here are the top Ios emulators for the windows user.
1. Mobione Studio
Mobione is considered as one of the best ios emulators for running ios apps in the windows pc from so many years but there is slightly bad news that the official Mobione developer cut off the support but you can still use it as it still provides the best functionality from all the other ios emulators. You can play all your favorite games on this ios emulator with an ease. It provides numerous of function in terms of gaming and it also a good option when you are searching for good ios emulator for developing purpose.

There is an advanced feature which enables status notification on your screen just like an ios device. This emulator is considered as great emulators when one has to really think of developing friendly ios emulator for windows.
Compacity: Windows, Mac, iPhone,
2. Smartface
Smartface is also the best ios emulator to use by the windows user and it’s probably one of the best options for the developer to test their apps. These are widely used by the developer’s community for testing the cross-platform ios apps. This emulator is designed in that way so it can ease the developing purpose of all the developers.
There are both paid and free version of the ios emulator are available you can go for any of them it totally depends on you and the function you want. The paid version starts from 99 $.
Compacity: Windows, Mac, iPhone,
3. iPadian
As the name indicates this emulator is very likely to provide you the user interface just like the Apple iPad. So you can feel like you are using an iPod in the windows. This is an advanced ios emulator and provides tons of function just like an iPod like iMessage, Siri TVOS & watch OS. It is capable of running almost all the ios apps with great ease.
Ipadain gets so much love for the audience as it’s very user-friendly and there are many people used this ios emulator for playing games and music on there windows pc. This Ios emulator is absolutely free makes it one of the most effective ios emulator for gamers to love.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac
APP.IO is also considered as one of the best ios emulators although it is the little bit slow and takes some time while uploading and running an ios app once it is loaded you can easily use this ios emulator for playing mobile games and testing apps. One more thing that makes APP.IO more popular is its user-friendly interface and the easy but great navigation.
APP.IO comes with the 7-day trial so if you like the ios emulator than you have to pay for that otherwise you can go for the further ios emulators. This emulator is developed on the cloud technology so you have to turn on the sync and your app data started syncing from the APP.IO server.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac
5. Air iPhone
Air iPhone is also a popular ios emulator because it creates a virtual iPhone on your windows that user interface is just like an iPhone. The Air iPhone also supports Adobe Air Framework which helps a lot in many expects. You can download Air Framework from their official website.
Air iPhone provides a very easy navigational user-friendly interface which is very loved by all the ios emulator lover everywhere. You can get this music userfriendly iso emulator on the internet.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac
This is another one of the best ios emulators presents on the internet with lots of features. Like they provide the cloud technology so you better get it synched so that it can collect all the information and get it uploaded to their server. You can also upload your app to the server.
This ios emulator is present in both the paid version or in the free version. If you just want to test ios apps than you can go for the free version but if you want more than you have to pay for the paid version. The first 100 minutes of using the paid version of this ios emulator are free then you to pay 0.05$ per minute.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac
7. iPad Simulator
iPhone Simulator is an extension of Google Chrome which helps in testing the ios application. It is a cloud-based software which becomes very effective once. You can also get apple features with iPad simulators like Siri and also you don’t have to pay for it.
This iPad Simulators act as a virtual iPad emulator which you can use in your windows pc. It also provides the function like drag and drops the application to the iPad simulator. It is very easy to operate and is an extension it uses very less ram memory.
Compatibility – Windows, Chrome
Note: Currently Not Available.
8. Nintendo 3d Emulator
Widely popular for the gamers and get the most honest reviews about this ios emulator known as Nintendo 3d Emulator. This search console is the greatest among other gaming emulators down there. If you are looking for a good gaming emulator than Nintendo 3d Emulator is your key emulator.
This emulator lets you enjoy not only the 2d games but also the 3d games with a ease. You don’t feel any lagging while playing ány games. I personally recommend Nintendo 3d Emulator to all gamers using ios emulators.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac, Ios, Android
9. iPhone Simulator
iPhone simulator is considered as one of the users as you can play your iPhone in your windows pc with an ease. It also provides excellent graphics while playing games so you just have to install this ios simulator and enjoy your favorite game.
This iPhone Simulator is free simulator so you don’t have to pay a penny to enjoy your favorite game. I create a virtual iPhone Simulator that just looks like your iPhone.
Compatibility – Windows
10. Xamarin TestFlight
Xamarin TestFlight is the well know ios emulator as it’s been acquired by Apple. As being an Apple this emulator is very trustworthy and also provide the tech support 24/7. It has a very easy user interface and a much larger fan base.
With Xamarin TestFlight you can check an iso app on a windows pc with an ease or you can play any ios games on your windows pc without any cost. If you are looking for a reliable ios emulator than you can’t get any much reliable emulator than this one.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac
Yet Another best Ios emulator is here named Imame popular for gaming from a long time. Imame emulator is considered as a much need ios emulator you can play any game available for the iPhone or iPad with it. You just need to download & install Imame emulator & you are all set to go for this Ios emulator.
Although we heard from many developers that Imame isn’t that good so if you find something like this then you can use any ios emulator from this list of best ios emulator for windows.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac
12. Ripple
Ripple is the another Chrome Extension Browser based emulator from this list like iPad. This emulator also works on cloud technology to make your work easier. This emulator is gaining trust day by day by providing really good experience & user interface. It is often used for testing apps and in the app development purpose.
Ripple Ios emulator is widely popular among the developer and the tech geeks. This emulator makes its own brand in the growing emulator community. You can also use this emulator just download it and install the leading emulator.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac, Google Chrome
13. Electric Mobile Studio
Electric Mobile Studio is one of the best & premium ios emulator in this list. This emulator is only paid but the reviews are quite helpful to know that they provide the excellent premium service as well. This Ios is very popular among the developers as it used for developing & testing ios apps.
When it comes to developing or testing apps only one emulator that will come in mind & that is Electric Mobile Studio. It also supports many coding languages so one can easily build a great app with it. It is a bit heavy from all their alternatives but the quality always comes from the right cost. You get a 7-day trial to check the performance of the ios emulator.
Compatibility – Windows
14. IDOS Emulator
IDOS Emulator is considered as one of the best Ios emulators on the internet for the windows user. It has a very easy user interface makes it very reliable and this Ios emulator is provided by free of cost you don’t have to pay a penny to try this emulator. It is a very helpful emulator for the beginners.
Well currently IDOS emulator is not getting any updates but you can still try it is free of cost and a reliable ios emulator otherwise make a quick decision and choose any other emulator from this list. The emulator is very user-friendly and easy to install as well.
Compatibility – Windows
15. Xamarin
This is the second last ios emulator in our list for the windows users. It is one of the most latest Ios android emulators and it’s is designed by Apple Inc. Being an Apple product you can use it with for confidence & can fully trust its service. This Ios emulator is mostly used by the developer to built or test an app.
This app is considered as a good emulator as it provides a reliable service and it also provides functions like iMessage and more. So it is great iso emulator for the windows users. Give it a try and download & install the Xamarin ios emulator.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac, Ios
16. Remoted Ios Simulator
Remoted Ios Simulator is a product from the Xamarin and it a very great initiative as with the help of this simulator you can test an app on your windows pc. It is a little bit popular among the developers so if the other doesn’t impress you well then you can give Remoted Ios Simulator is your chance.
Remoted Ios Simulator has a very easy user interface and it’s very helpful for the beginners. The navigation is also very easy you will get all the main function of the home screen.
Compatibility – Windows, Mac, Ios
Best Ios Emulator for Mac
So if you have Mac and still you want the to develop or test your app on Mac or even you want to play ios games on your mac we have some best ios emulator to run all your Apple iPhone app on your mac big screen with higher-level graphics.
Although you did find the ios emulator for windows & ios emulator for mac is same, yes they are same we only write this twice just to make your navigation user-friendly just like these emulators did.
As I said above is one of the best ios emulators for windows but it is also available for the Mac too so you can download it by the above link. This is voted as one of the ios emulators for mac. It provides some great user-friendly interface with good navigation. So either if you are a beginner you don’t have to worry at all.
With the help of the Ios emulator for you can play games on the big screen on your mac or if you are a developer then you can test or develop a new app with the help of this ios emulator. The ios emulator is paid but it’s still free for 7 days so you can see test the ios emulator and get fully satisfied by its functionality.
2. iPadian
iPadian is the most important ios emulator for windows user as well as for mac use. It provides the best user interface as well as the functionality from all the other ios emulator on the internet. iPadian creates a virtual environment in the mac pc so that any ios app can easily run on it.
iPadian is most probably used for the developing and app testing purpose but it is also be used to play the game of the higher graphic in the mac. This emulator plays a great part in developing many apps used by the most successful developers.
3. Appetize. io is yet another best ios emulator for using ios apps on the mac. is an alternative for some of the developers say it is one of the best ios emulators for testing apps on the mac. It also has a very great user-friendly interface & navigational design.
You can run any ios app with the help of the emulator. This is a free ios app emulator so you don’t have to spend a penny to used a best ios emulator on your Mac pc. It is supported on any Mac model and if you want to download it then go for the above link.
4. Xamarin Testflight
Xamarin Testflight is the well know ios emulator for running apps for the mac. With the help of the Xamarian Testflight, you can run any iPhone app on your mac with an ease. It has a great user interface that provides a very reliable source for many people. Xamarian Testflight is quite popular among the developers for testing & developing apps. It is a great ios emulator and it is very user-friendly.
5. Xamarin
Xamarian is the most famous Ios emulator for mac as it is designed by Apple Inc. As being an apple product it provides some Apple iPhone features like iMessage and more. This emulator provides the best premium service and it is reliable than any other ios emulator. Xamarin provides a user-friendly interface so that any beginner can easily operate an ios emulator.
This Ios emulator is considered a great ios emulator trusted by many developers and you want to download this emulator than hit on the above link of the same post.
Our Verdict
This is the end of the list of the best ios emulator for both windows pc & mac so if you need a window or either’s mac ios emulator you can get a best ios emulator from this list. We have all the ios emulator listed according to their different functions. So comment for your favorite ios emulator and tell us which ios emulator you are going to use and which one are you currently using. Also if we miss anything or any other good ios emulator than let us know in the comments section. We love to hear something from you.